
Thoughts while doing maintenance

It's Saturday, and I'm feeling lazy, but I have at least eight projects to get to at some point over the weekend. But, my three computers are so laden with sound files that I don't really know where to begin in terms of organizing them. I've got audio from the last eight years waiting to be archived.

It's amazing just how much stuff is on the Charlottesville Podcasting Network. I currently have audio files on three servers, and I'm trying my best to consolidate them to one place. This is a grueling process, but it's necessary so I can save a little bit of money on my server costs. Right now, I'm paying way too much.

I've forgotten so many of the stories that I've posted the site. As you may recall, the original idea was to have the site be a place to go for original stories. Since getting out of the radio business, it's been harder to be efficient in terms of getting new things posted to the site. I've still got a large backlog of things to go through.

But, when I go back and hear things like the preview of Chad Day's Charlottesville Sports and Social Club, I wish I had the resources and the time to do more things like this. Or, the interview I did with the folks at Virginia Integrative Medicine.

Now, I was able to get these stories on the website because I was able to get them on the air on WVTF. I have not had the chance to file a story for WVTF lately. Part of the problem is that I've got so much audio I've got to sort through.


Unknown said...

Yeah.. I'm doing some youtube videos now with my crappy digital camera.. you can tell there's some potential there and all, it's the resources that are lacking. :(

Sean Tubbs said...

What kind of resources do you need? People, time, cameras? For me, it's all about the time, and not having enough of it.

Unknown said...

cameras mainly, and the knowledge to operate them. i actually have an advisory committee to help out now, so manpower is less of an issue than it was before now.

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