
A plug for hooville.net

I'm a big proponent to the interconnected community that comes through having so many bloggers who aggregate through cvilleblogs.com. I've met many people this way, and feel blessed to live in a place where there's a healthy discussion going on all the time about all sorts of things, from transportation costs to whether or not Oxo's moment has faded.

But there's a forgotten corner of Charlottesville's online community. Earlier this month, Hooville.net ran a poll asking the handful of users if the board should stay or go. As I write this, the vote is 7 to 1.

I voted to keep it, because I sometimes like using local bulletin boards that are self-contained. The audience there is a little older, it seems.

Have you been? Do you post on message boards that aren't blogs?


Unknown said...

Message boards (as opposed to blogs) are tough to run. As a community, a message board based one is a lot harder to maintain than a blog based one. But they do provide some useful services that blogs don't, notably that of allowing the participants to determine the topic of discussion rather than the person running the site. They're a useful thing to have around.

Waldo Jaquith said...

D'oh. I was just uploading videos to Google Video under my Richmond Sunlight account, but didn't notice. That was me who posted the last comment. :)

Sean Tubbs said...

Yes, you're right. And cVillain did well to eliminate their forum in favor of just going with the blog. That definitely worked for them.

Unknown said...

Thanks Sean for the post and the help. I would like to try to get Hooville running again -- hoping to have more time this spring to try to promote it a bit more. At times there have been good discussions, and I think it has potential.

Waldo's site is great in that he really keeps up with the news and issues -- and his followers comment on those issues.

I wish I had the time and the knowledge to post messages about those subjects on Hooville, but to be honest I don't. I do run some other forums with more targeted audiences that do very well -- but I haven't been able to get Hooville.net to catch on -- yet.

Sean Tubbs said...

I'm someone who believes in using the web to communicate. In the late 80's I became obsessed with the ability to talk with people online. I think there's a lot of education that still needs to occur in order for more people to know what RSS is, what message boards are, etc.

So yes, keep the site! As I said, let me know and I'll give you free ad space, because I need to demo ad space anyway.

Unknown said...

Sure sounds great thanks. And I did create the Facebook page for Hooville.net -- great idea.

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