
Seven minutes of fast writing to prove a point, plant a flag

Thoughts before a meeting

More than anything, I'm proudest that I tried to keep my head up, even when I was being torn apart inside. I'm glad that I got on the treadmill and started running, knowing that the best way to kill the pain was to use it as fuel.

More than anything, I'm enamored now of life on every level, even on the days when I drift through clouds of sadness. I know they will always break, and I know how to read my weather patterns now.

More than anything, I'm so happy to be alive, so happy that my best days, our world's best days, are all ahead of me.

More than anything, I am confident that I shall define for myself who I am, and that I will do a better job next time, when I fall in love, of retaining who I am, and what I need.

More than anything, I am glad that I am able to see how my life unfolds like a novel, with a series of characters just like myself, each of us humans just trying to make the best of it, trying to keep our heads up all together, all of us dancing in a life that we may not have expected.

More than anything, I am honored to have had the chance to dance with many people this year, glad that this life of mine has become something I've always wanted it to be.

Adversity makes us who we are. The absolute worst thing happened to me, twice, and I have soldiered on, explored new versions of me, and I've tried to stay true to me. I've challenged myself, accepted that others' views of me are valid, even if I disagree with them.

I am thankful and grateful and confident that I can negotiate conflict with a sense of calm and humility.

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