
A series of questions and observations about the current venture and how it works

It's been two years and three months since I began the venture. I don't talk about it here, but I did talk about the early days I did this the first time. This blog goes back a way.

At the moment, I'm taking segments from Charlottesville Community Engagement and putting them on Information Charlottesville. Information Charlottesville got its start as a Wordpress I bought in the summer of 2018 when I was out of journalism but did not want to be. 

But it happened. I don't want to write about that publicly at this point and really don't ever want to do so. I'm where I am now, which is more connected to the beginnings of this blog. I still feel I'm in a series of new beginnings. 

Anyway, at the moment I'm trying to determine if I should put a segment about the Virginia Film Festival from the October 12, 2022 edition of the program onto Information Charlottesville. I wish I had a better podcast I could put onto the Charlottesville Podcasting Network. I started that in 2005, before I was at Charlottesville Tomorrow, and everything seems to have come back to where I was.

For many years, the only material I did for the Charlottesville Podcasting Network was producing a series of interviews someone else did with people at the festival. It was at a time in my life where I felt I couldn't really be myself in my stories, so I clammed up and just focused on learning how things work.

Now I'm somehow in this place where I'm producing a lot of material, and people are paying me for it, and I know that if I can keep up the pace and build in enough rest time, I can continue to do this work and I will continue to get better. 

On any given day, I can struggle to get through times when I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I've filled a big emptiness with the work I do, and I love doing it. I believe there is meaning for me in what I do, spending so much of my time trying to write as much as I can so others can know what's happening. I point people back to primary sources so that they can look at the same things I look at and maybe...

Who knows? I just know I'm curious about things and I've been fortunate enough to do what I want to do.

My answer with the Virginia Film Festival thing is to record a new intro and make a post to the Charlottesville Podcasting Network. After all, I now own the site again and Town Crier Productions covers the hosting fee. I don't have any plans to use it, but it's there as an asset. I also have a SoundCloud account I really need to phase out because there are so many things to pay for and I have to figure out a way to get more people to the things I am producing. 

Today I paid my 2021 taxes and I made enough money to cover the amount. I'm in good shape for 2022, having learn a lesson. I am building a business around what I love to do, and this makes me want as many people as possible to get the chance to do that. 

I don't write about it publicly. I don't write about it enough to my supporters, but they seem to keep paying, happy I'm cranking out about 10,000 words a week or so keeping tabs of a lot of things that may seem boring, but they all add up to something. 

Will this continue? I hope so. I am glad that my earlier selves believed in me enough to get to this point, even though I'm often bewildered about it all. When I get there, I am able to focus and revert to the systems I have built myself to keep the pieces moving.

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